So long, another workshop disaster

No, it’s not a goodbye, just recognizing the fact that I’ve left you for so long without news…

I’ve been busy with conferences, courses, and compromises. Devcon in Amsterdam, Spanish and Italian Symposiums, an android mobile training, a mobile retreat with the Brazilian team and a talk at the LSUG were the Liferay compromises. Codemotion, a workshop in the UVa Segovia, Tarugo and Lambda attendance, CyLicon and 2 courses at JCYL were, some, of the personal ones.

I hope to write later about the 2 Codemotion workshops (my 7th and 8th talk/workshop at Codemotion !!!) and the workshop at the UVa. Those 3 went really well. It’s quite more interesting to talk about the Devcon workshop. That one went horribly.

It’s available here if you want to see me, slowly, suffering. Lessons learned:

Watching the video I noticed several other problems:

And that’s all I can notice in just a few minutes… I don’t know what to do with the environment (apart from insisting or setting up virtual machines that usually is impossible). Any ideas?

Things to improve: