
One thing I’ve learned (or done a lot) last year is processing tech videos that I recorded, either with my computer (QuickTime) in courses/workshops or with Liferay’s cameras.

Most of them are here, in this playlist but I’ve processed more for CyLicon Valley or Liferay and hosted in other meetup channels. For example, these ones of a CyLicon Valley meetup:

I am now quite fast doing it, I can sync the slides with the recording while watching a TV show (an awful one is perfect for the task) and with a medium sized talk (40-50 slides) it takes me about 1 hour to do everything (including adding the header, meetup logo, texts, positioning everything…).

I don’t know if it is useful, though… because:

Should I keep doing it? Do you prefer another layout? Do you get any value from it? Should I create a website listing all the tech talks and videos with recommendations?

I’m at @nhpatt if you want to discuss it!