always an underachiever


No post in these last 2 weeks, although I have 4 started :(… so I will do a quick announcement for the conference I’m organizing (with the usual suspects: Nacho, Semurat, Rober, Mariete, Mario, Soraya, Álvaro…).

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One thing I’ve learned (or done a lot) last year is processing tech videos that I recorded, either with my computer (QuickTime) in courses/workshops or with Liferay’s cameras.

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New Year (2018 edition)

Last day of the year… I didn’t explicitly set resolutions in 2017 but I kept them hidden instead. There are several posts about how stating your resolutions makes you happier (you get some sense of completion) but you don’t get closer to achieve them. So I’ll gladly ignore those studies this year :)

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